Tokyo, Japan (Spring 2024) - Departure Day
Yes - you can totally spend a full week in Tokyo and not come close to being bored and be left with plenty of things to check off on the list. We had an afternoon flight so that afforded us a chance to sample some more niboshi ramen.
Tokyo Niboshi Ramen Gyoku (Tokyo Station)
(東京煮干し らーめん玉 東京駅店)
This place in Tokyo Station right across from the famous Rokurinsha ramen shop turned out to be the best niboshi ramen I had in Tokyo. The broth had a super creamy feel that was pungent with fish flavor and they also had minced garlic on the side that you could add for some extra punch. This place holds the niboshi ramen title belt for me until I find a place to unseat it.
FaSoLa Cafe (Narita Airport)
It seems like every time I leave from Narita I end up at this place. They serve everything but I usually just get a beer. This time it was a farewell to Japan highball (for about $4!). I think it’s because this place is located at the end of the terminal and I usually like to walk the place to explore and since this place is at the end it makes for a nice place to take a break. It is often not crowded which is another plus.
The return leg flight was on Zipair. The budget airline gets multiple thumbs up from me. The planes are new and clean and spacious.
You get free wifi and can just order your food or snacks online on the flight. We actually preordered some meals but we could have also done so inflight.