Spain (Spring 2023) - Malaga (Day 4)

Excursion day to the Caminito del Rey. We purchased a guided tour to bus us to the destination and back.

Since we were staying in the city center, the pick up place was not too far away in the morning.

On the way there we stopped in a small town on the way where you can get sandwiches and use the restrooms.


Caminito del Rey

This is a place that is listed in Atlas Obscura and was once dubbed the world’s most dangerous walkway. Since then it has been rebuilt and very safe. They limit the number of people who go onto the walkway everyday to make sure that the maintenance keeps up with the usage.

The walkway was created as a short cut for workers to get to a power plant. Carved into the cliffs, the old walkway is definitely very sketchy. Most of the new walkway is built on top of the old walkway so you can see the state of deterioration of the old path.

They issue you a helmet for the walk and a guide takes you through the canyon. You can also walk by yourself but I feel if you are already paying for a guide, why not hear what they have to say?

Above are just random pictures of the walkway. You can see the old walkway directly underneath the new walkway in some of the photo. The old walkway looks very worn down and back in the day they did not have the safety railing.

Towards the end of the hike, you cross over to the other side of the canyon on a suspension bridge.

There is someone there who limits how many people can be on it at one time. You can feel why when you are on it as it shakes and sways quite a bit when you are walking across.

After you cross, there is a short hike up to a gathering spot where you can get refreshments and you meet the bus and tour guide that take you back to Malaga.


Vermuteria la Clasica

Back in Malaga, we headed out for some sustenance. I wanted to try this place because based on the name I figured it might have a variety of vermouths to try. That turned out not to be the case but what it did have was this great tasty braised duck leg tapa.

The location was also pretty good as it sits in the corner of a square so it’s a pretty good spot to perch and people watch.


Tasca la Salita

The further you get from the city center, the places have a more casual and local feel. This little tapas place had that vibe and is also dog friendly which is nice.

The food in general here looked pretty good although this tuna dish was not what I was expecting. It tasted more like pork since it had stewed for so long.


Bar Malaga

This is a fine little bar near the middle of town that has a full bar and tasty tapas that you can see behind a glass case at the bar. I don’t know if it is a regular thing but it seemed to be full of British tourists the day that we were there.


Spain (Spring 2023) - Malaga (Day 5)


Moka Coffee Maker